Company Name Change Package

Change your Company Name. ASIC Registered Agent.

Quality documents Premium service Cost effective
Company Name Change

Get your company’s name changed from $600! Our service includes all documentation required to process a company name change with ASIC. This includes all documents and the Form 205 Notification of Resolution. Our simple online company name change form enables same day applications.

What is required to change a company's name?

The process of changing a company name is completed using a Form 205, Notification of Resolution. As ASIC registered agents, we can electronically prepare a same-day application to submit to ASIC a company name change. There are a few things required to change a company name, they may include:

  • Ensure that your new company name is available - The new company name must not be identical to an existing entity and must not contain any restricted words (ASIC restricted words) You can use our ASIC Company Name Availability Check facility to ensure your new company name is available. If the new company name is held by a business name, you must ensure the owner(s) of the business name are on the new company. If the business name holder is an individual then that individual may be a current director or member. If the business name holder is a company, then it has to be the company itself changing its name. If the business name is held by a partnership or trust, you cannot proceed with a company name change – you may need to consider changing the ownership of the business name.
  • Pass a special resolution – The director(s) need to pass a resolution recommending the change to the shareholder(s), and more than 75% of the shareholders have to vote to accept the change. Generally, unlisted companies must give 21 days’ notice to its members and listed companies must give 28 days.
  • Abbots prepare Form 205 – A form 205 has to be prepared for ASIC, signed by a director and dated. If this form 205 is lodged more than 14 days from the date of the resolution in then ASIC may impose a late fee.
  • ASIC approval – Generally, If ASIC accepts the form 205, then the company’s name is changed immediately effective the date the form 205 was processed by ASIC. We will then provide you with a Certificate of Change of Company Name.
  • Update registers – You must update all relevant registers to reflect the new ASIC changes. This may include: bank accounts, relevant authorities, documents and other company related material.

Reasons to change a company name?

There could be many reasons why you would want to change your company’s name. These could may include:

  • Sale of the Business to new owners
  • New Branding or marketing
  • Internal business changes
  • Expansion into new markets
  • Company Name Change Certificate
  • Form 205 - Notification of Resolution
  • Members Resolution
  • Minutes
  • Same-day ASIC application
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from $600 (includes ASIC fee)

Documents included with the Company Name Change Package

  • Company Name Change Certificate
  • Form 205 - Notification of Resolution
  • Members Resolution
  • Minutes of meeting
How much does it cost to change a company name?
The company name change package starts from $510. This fee includes a $417 ASIC fee, all company name change documents and company name change certificate.
How long does it take to change a company name?
The company name change form generally takes 10 minutes to complete. Once submitted, we will prepare your name change documents and email them to you to be dated and executed. Once returned, we will process the change with ASIC, this generally happens the same day.
What information do you need to register a company?
Our complete company registration guide can be downloaded here.
What happens if the company name change is rejected by ASIC?
If your company has been rejected by ASIC you will be notified via email with the required changes. If your company name change is rejected, you can amend your application pursuant to ASIC requirements and resubmit easily for free.
Should I seek legal advice?
The summary displayed on this page is for information purposes only. Summary for company name changes should be considered general in nature, and should not be a substitute for professional legal advice. You must always seek your own independent legal, financial and accounting advice about your unique situation
Quality Documents

We provide high quality documentation which is carefully drafted by our in-house lawyers. Other firms provide out of the box solutions for all clients, here at Abbots we provide tailored documents based your needs. We invest time in ensuring all documents are current and compliant.

Premium Service

We provide a premium service. We understand that each client has individual requirements and as such we tailor our service to ensure you are creating your documents in a timely and accurate manner. We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to ensure our clients are satisfied.

Instant Documentation

Our innovative platform allows for your documents to be created within minutes. Our easy online ordering system allows all your procedures to be stored indefinitely for you to download when you require.


For over three decades Abbots has remained the most competitive provider of legal documentation. We constantly review our costs and ensure that our clients are not paying more than they have too.


We provide integrations with our partners which makes ordering easier. Integration with BGL allows company file data to be exported into your software from the minute your company was incorporated.

Easy online ordering

We provide an easy ordering process that ensures our clients can efficiently place orders. Clients can also submit handwritten orders. All forms are easily accessible under our resources tab.